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Monday 7 March 2011


Pansies are one of the easiest to grow flowers in Islamabad and flowers in all kinds of hues are beginning to bloom all over the city.

Pansies are not fussy plants, they will grow best in loose, rich soil. They flower best in full sun and will get spindly in deep shade. Pansies DO NOT like heat and will begin to decline as the days warm up. They do need regular watering nowadays because daytime temperatures have already climbed into high 20s (Celsius).

Aphids can be a problem with these plants but a natural soap spray usually gets rid of them quite easily.

I have to admit, this deep purple colour wasn't one of my favourites when I first started growing these flowers but after a few seasons of seeing them pop up again and again I have become quite a fan. Its such an unusual colour in flowers and I have to confess.............I think I'm falling in love :)

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